Do You Need A Ring Chime? Ring Chime Review
/The Ring Doorbell Chime offers big sound in a little package
In this post were providing a Ring Chime review which is the smart doorbell chime designed to work with Ring Doorbells. We will also compare the Ring Chime vs Ring Chime Pro and provide help you determine which Ring Chime is right for you.
What Is The Ring Chime?
The Ring Chime is a wireless doorbell chime that is designed to wirelessly connect to your Ring Doorbell to work as a doorbell chime.
Because the Ring Chime is wirelessly connected to the Ring Doorbell it allows you to place the remote chime anywhere in your home so you can hear the Ring Doorbell. The wireless Ring chime just plugs into a typical wall outlet and connects to your Ring Doorbell through the Ring App on your phone.
Why You Need A Ring Chime
The Ring Chime has a range of uses and applications and was designed to fill the needed and niches of Ring Doorbell users to provide the best possible experience using Ring Doorbells. It provides an option for your doorbell to still work like a traditional doorbell even if you don’t have the wiring for a doorbell or your existing doorbell chime is in the wrong spot.
Battery Powered Doorbells
If you purchased a battery operated Ring Doorbell like the Ring Doorbell, Ring Doorbell 2 or Ring Door View Cam if you can pair the Ring Chime with the Ring Doorbell you selected and it will allow you to have a remote chime just like you had a built in doorbell.
With battery powered Ring Doorbells that don’t have any existing wiring, the doorbell won’t ring unless you connect it to a wireless Ring Chime.
Doorbell Chime Doesn’t Work
You might have installed a Ring Doorbell 2 or Ring Doorbell Pro on your front door and gotten it to work only to notice that the chime connected to your Ring Doorbell doesn’t work. There are other people who have reported that their existing hardwired chime just continues to ring or is burnt out.
Related Post: Chimes That Work With Ring
If this is the case you can attempt to fix the existing doorbell chime or replace it with a hardwired chime but many people choose to bypass the existing doorbell chime all together and use Ring Chime which is wireless and connects directly through the Ring App. Getting the Ring wireless chime is much easier than troubleshooting an existing hardwired chime for the average person. However if you want to learn which hardwired chimes work with Ring and how to replace them we’ve created a list of chimes that work with Ring.
Or if you’re having issues with the power level of your Ring Doorbell you can also check out our resource on which transformers work with Ring.
The Ring Chime is a good alternative to traditional bulky chimes.
Doorbell Chime Is Too Far Away
If you live in a multi level house or a larger house it’s possible that you won’t be able to hear the noise from your doorbell chime in which case a Ring Doorbell chime can come in handy because you can place it anywhere. Just plug in the chime in, set it up and you are ready to go. You can bring the “Chime” to the furthest corners of your house so you can hear the doorbell no matter where you are. You can even add multiple Ring Chimes if need that will sound in unison when the Ring Doorbell is Pressed.
Extra Security
The Ring chime is a great way to add extra security to your home. Not only can it be used to “Ring” when the doorbell is pressed but it also has setting that it will provide an alert sound when motion is detected on the doorbell or other Ring smart camera.
This is a great feature to have if you want to keep tabs on who’s at your front door or other camera location. A Most package thieves don’t ring the doorbell so this is a great way to catch someone in the act. People also use these for other Ring Cameras on their home to alert them if someone is lurking around their yard at night before they get close to the home.
Ring Chime Review
One Hour Smart Home Rating 9.0/10.0
The Ring Chime is a great addition to any home with a Ring Doorbell. The chime is solidly constructed and has a small form factor to help it blend in with the wall.
The doorbell chime plugs into standard wall outlets and is then ready for setup on the Ring App. You should already have the Ring Doorbell installed before you install the Ring Chime. The chime then connects to your wifi system through the Ring app. With the Chime setup and connected to the app you can choose which Ring Devices you would like it to connect too and adjust the volume of the chime from the app.
You can also place the chime in silent mode from the app and set when you would like to be notified. The chime has a different notification sound when the doorbell is pressed from when it detects motion so you can tell the difference between the two. I highly recommend the Ring Chime and in my experience it has been reliable and works great with all Ring Doorbells and Ring Cameras.
Ring Chime Pro
One Hour Smart Home Rating 6.5/10.0
I want to love the pro version of Ring chime but my experience with the Ring Pro chime has not been great. The Ring Chime Pro is designed to provide all of the same functions as the Ring chime but has the additional feature of being a wifi range extender for your Ring Doorbell. The intent is if you have a weak wifi signal the Ring Chime Pro can be placed in range of your wifi signal and used to extend the wifi network to your Ring Doorbell.
However the Ring Chime pro does not extend the signal of your wifi network to other devices it only extends the wifi signal to the Ring Doorbell. What I found is that the Ring Chime Pro did very little to extend my wifi signal to the Ring or improve the picture quality. It could just be my house, or the Ring Chime Pro I received or my wifi network. In my opinion if you want to improve the connection to your Ring Doorbell you are best off getting and additional wifi mesh extender for your wifi network with Google Wifi or Eero.
Ring Chime Pro vs Ring Chime
Winner: Ring Chime
How can the Ring Chime be better than the Ring Chime Pro? You pay more for the Ring Chime Pro and it has more features than the Ring Chime so how is it better?
Well in my experience the Ring Chime is much more reliable than the Ring Chime Pro and I did not get any additional range or battery life by connecting the Ring Chime Pro to my wifi network. It’s possible that the Ring Chime Pro just didn’t like my wifi network and you may have no issues with the Ring Chime Pro.
If it were me and I was concerned about getting a good strong signal to my Ring Doorbell I would just use a good mesh wifi network like the Google Wifi or Eero system and place an extender within range of the doorbell. Then you are getting uninterrupted high strength wifi to your video doorbell and it can maximize the performance. The cost of the Ring Chime Pro is not that much more expensive than the standard Ring Chime so it makes me question the quality and strength of the Wifi repeater in the Ring Chime Pro.
Does The Ring Chime Work With All Ring Doorbells?
The Ring Chime works with all Ring Doorbells and Cameras. Including the Ring Pro shown in this picture.
Yes, the Ring Chime works with all of the Ring Doorbells. Including the Ring Doorbell, Ring Doorbell 2, Ring Doorbell Pro, Ring Doorview Cam and Ring Elite Doorbell.
However if you have a Ring Doorbell 2 or Ring Doorbell Pro, it is possible if you have existing wiring and and existing working doorbell chime that you can just use your existing hardwired chime with your new Ring Doorbell.
If you have a battery powered Ring Doorbell or your existing doorbell does not work you should use the Ring Doorbell Chime so you can hear when the doorbell is pressed.
Does the Ring Chime Work With All Ring Cameras?
Yes, the Ring Chime is also compatible with all Ring Cameras. The Ring Cameras don’t have a doorbell button but you can still use the Ring Chime paired with a Ring Camera to alert you when there is motion detected which I have found very beneficial to alerting me to people or animals in that cross into the motion zone of the cameras. The Ring Camera’s have good enough software and resolution that typical wind and tree movement don’t set off the motion detection but a person or animal moving through the motion zones will and you can be alerted on the Ring Chime.
Ring Chime Summary:
I think the Ring Chime is a must have if you purchased a battery powered Ring Doorbell and if you have a hardwired doorbell it’s a nice accessory you can add if you want to increase the functionality of your smart doorbell. It’s great that Ring thought about providing a chime when the designed the Ring so you have the flexibility to choose what will work for your home.
I like being able to know when the doorbell is pressed through the Ring Chime so I can quickly answer the door even if I don’t have my phone.