What batteries should you use for your nest protect smoke detector?
How to replace nest smoke detector batteries
What batteries should you use with your nest smoke/co detector?
The nest smoke detectors are a great way to protect your family and home against smoke and carbon monoxide. But even though the nest smoke detector is smart it still requires you to replace the batteries just like a traditional smoke detector.
Why you should use the exact batteries for your smoke detector nest recommends
It's important that you use exact batteries that nest recommends because nest does not guarantee your smoke detector will work with off brand batteries and there are reports of smoke detector malfunctions on nest's own forum when off-brand batteries are used.
Nest Recommends that you use Energizer Ultimate Lithium AA L91 Batteries-Available on Amazon.
We've provided links below to the exact batteries nest recommends:
24-Pack of Batteries for Nest Smoke Detectors:
It's very important that you use the exact Energizer Ultimate Lithium AA L91 Batteries that nest recommends because the device was specifically engineered to use these batteries and alternate batteries can cause the smoke detector to fail, this is your safety and trying to save a few dollars on the batteries could prove to be disastrous.
12 Pack of Batteries for Nest Smoke Detectors:
8 Pack of Batteries for Nest Protect Smoke Detectors:
Does the Wired Nest Protect Smoke / Co Detector require Batteries?
Yes, the wired nest smoke detector requires batteries that are used for battery backup if the power wired power go's out.
How can I tell if my batteries are low on the nest smoke detector?
The nest app will send an alert in your phone and show that there is something wrong with the smoke detector when the batteries are low.
How long do the nest smoke detector batteries last?
Nest claims that the nest smoke detector batteries should last 5 years in the battery powered versions of the smoke detector but it depends on use and number of factors. I have had the hardwired versions of the nest protect for 4+ years and the batteries are still reading strong. I have never had a prolonged power outage and the nest wired nest runs off power from my home.
The nest smoke detector was first launched in October 2013 so we will be coming up on the first 5 year replacement cycle for battery powered nest smoke detectors in October of 2018.
How Many Batteries Does The Nest Smoke Detector Require?
Nest makes 2 different types of smoke detectors a battery powered version and a hardwired version with battery back up. Each smoke detector requires a different number of batteries.
Nest Protect Smoke / CO Detector (Battery Powered)-Requires 6 Batteries per detector
Nest Protect Smoke / CO Detector (Hardwired W/Battery Backup)-Requires 3 Batteries per detector.
Can I change the batteries on my Nest Smoke Detector? : How to Change the Nest Protect Smoke Detector Batteries
Yes, the are user serviceable. You must remove the smoke detector from the ceiling to change the batteries.
How do I change the batteries on my Nest Smoke Detector?
1. If you have a wired nest smoke detector it is always a good idea to turn off the power to the smoke detector before servicing. If you have a battery powered smoke detector no need to turn off the power.
2. Remove the smoke detector from the ceiling. If the device is hardwired unplug the quick power connector.
3. If you have the original version of the nest smoke detectors you will need a screw driver to remove the back cover. If you have the latest version of the nest smoke detector or the version 2 nest smoke detector you will not need a screw driver, you just push the battery latch to the side to open the battery compartment.
4. Remove the existing batteries from the nest smoke detector.
5. Replace the batteries with new AA Energizer Ultimate Lithium L91 Batteries
6. If you have the battery powered nest smoke detector you will need to use 6 batteries per detector. If you have the wired nest smoke detector you will need 3 batteries per detector.
7. Close the battery latch or screw the cover back on. Confirm the nest is powered up and the batteries are properly seated by pressing the nest logo button on the front of the detector.
8. If the smoke detector is hardwired plug in the quick connector to the back of the nest.
9. Replace nest smoke detector on to the nest smoke detector mount.
10. Run a safety check through the nest app to confirm that the smoke detector is working properly.
1. Open the nest app, click on the smoke detector logo then click on check up to preform a check up to ensure your batteries were properly installed on your nest smoke detector.
2. Run the check up on the nest smoke detector batteries
3. Nest Smoke Detector Batteries are properly installed and confirmed by checkup.
What size batteries do the Nest Smoke Detector Need?
AA Batteries and they must be AA Energizer Ultimate Lithium L91 Batteries
Do Nest Smoke Detectors expire? Do I need to need to replace my Nest Smoke Detector? When does my Nest Smoke Detector expire? How can I find the Nest Smoke Detector expiration?
Yes, nest smoke detectors do expire after 7 years from the approximate date of manufacture. Per fire code you are supposed to replace you carbon monoxide sensors after 5-7 years of use and smoke detectors after 10 years of use. The expiration date is listed on the back of the smoke detector and on the nest app.
Nest Smoke Detector Expiration Date, 5-7 Years After Manufacture. The Nest Batteries are REcommended To BE Replaced when Low or Approximately 5 years.
When was the first Nest Smoke Detector launched?
The nest smoke detector was launched in October 2013. That means that the first batch of nest smoke detectors will be due for replacement in October of 2020.
Why Does The Nest Smoke Detector Expire?
Nest claims smoke and carbon monoxide alarms wear out over time. Most carbon monoxide alarms have an average lifespan of five to seven years and must be replaced when they expire. Standards issued by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) require that all smoke alarms be replaced at least every ten years.
Does Nest Have A Smoke Detector Recycling Program for Nest Smoke Detectors?
Yes, but it's not what you might think. Currently nest does not provide you with a discount if you are replacing your existing nest smoke detectors if you return the old ones. They do have a program where you can send old smoke detectors to nest but they don't give you anything in return. Nest recycling program information is here.
We'd like to see a program where you can send your old nest smoke detector back to replace only the sensors that have expired and then send you either a discounted refurbished unit or a discount on a new unit. $120 is a lot to spend on smart smoke detectors every 7 years and that could create a rift with customers who love the nest eco-system.
It seems like modern smart smoke detectors should be designed with replaceable carbon monoxide and smoke detector cartridges, if those are the items that go bad after a 5-10 years.
The replacement dates for all smoke detectors are based on fire protection studies and failure rates of smoke detectors. You can read more about the logic behind smoke detector replacement studies here.
Does the nest smoke detector work with Alexa?
No, the nest protect smoke detectors don't currently work with alexa.
Does the nest smoke detector work with google home?
No, the nest protect smoke detectors don't currently work with google home.
Does the nest protect smoke detector include carbon monoxide protection?
Yes, the nest smoke detectors include both smoke and carbon monoxide protection.
Can the nest smoke detector call the fire department?
No, the nest smoke detectors don't have that feature available as of August 2018.
Does the nest smoke detector integrate with the nest alarm system?
No, the smoke detectors and the nest alarm system work independently of each other. If you have alarm monitoring of your nest security system the smoke detectors will not be monitored by the alarm company as of August 2018.
Do the nest smoke detectors interconnect?
Yes, the nest smoke detectors interconnect so each smoke detector will alarm even if one is triggered. If you have an alarm in the basement the smoke detectors will still alert people in the bedroom that there is a fire.
Do the nest smoke detectors work without wifi?
Yes, the nest smoke detectors will still work like traditional smoke detectors even if there is no wifi connection. They will still alarm and make noise, the interconnect will still function even if the nest smoke detectors are not connected to wifi.
Does the nest smoke detector require a wifi connection?
No, they will still work like traditional smoke detectors even without wifi, but you won't be able to access the full suite of features without a wifi connection.
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