List Of Chimes That Work With Ring Doorbell
List of Chimes Compatible With Ring Doorbell
We provide the full list of doorbell chimes that work with the Ring Doorbell and clickable links where you can get the doorbell chimes.
We have found that mechanical chimes work the best with the Ring Doorbell, or you can use a “Wireless” Doorbell chime that connects wirelessly to Ring Doorbell that are specifically designed for the Ring Doorbell. These wireless chimes plug into a wall and then wirelessly connect through the Ring App. On the Pro version of the Ring Doorbell Chime also acts as a wireless network extender for your Ring Doorbell and can be used to strengthen the signal from your Ring Doorbell.
Another option is using Alexa as your doorbell with Ring. You can connect Ring to Alexa through the “Ring Alexa Skill” and it will allow you to use your Alexa devices as a doorbell that will “Ring” when your Ring Doorbell is pressed.
Related Post: Ring Doorbell Pro Installation
The last option is using an electronic chime with the Ring Doorbell. We have found these to be the most troublesome and sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t. The issue is that for electronic doorbell chimes to function properly we have found that they need to have a very precise range of voltage right around 16 volts. Any more or any less voltage you can run into issues. That’s not to say a higher voltage won’t work with an electronic chime and your Ring Doorbell but it also might not work as a reliable chime with your Ring Doorbell. If you are getting distortion on your electronic chime with the Ring Doorbell we have found that swapping out the transformer for a 16V - 30VA transformer can oftentimes solve the problem.
List of Mechanical Chimes That Work With Ring Doorbell:
What is a Mechanical Chime?
Mechanical doorbell chimes are chimes that use magnetic pin to strike a bell, gong or bar to create a sound. When electricity is applied to the magnetic doorbell chime durring a doorbell press it causes the magnetic pin to move and strike the doorbell chime creating a sound.
Heath Zenith Doorbell Chimes - There is a large number of Heath Zenith Chimes that work with the Ring Doorbell and they come in a variety of different styles. We highly recommend the Heath Zenith Chimes as we have found them to be reliable and work well with the Ring Doorbell. These are simple chimes that blend in with the decor of most homes and aren’t overly complicated. We will list the different Ring Compatible doorbell chime models below.
Boran Two Tone Chime - This mechanical chime is simple and will work with Ring Doorbell. The includes a new 16V Transformer.
List of Wireless Chimes That Work With Ring Doorbell:
Ring makes two types of wireless doorbell chimes that are designed to work with all Ring Doorbells including the Ring 2 and Ring Doorbell Pro.
The Ring Chime is a simple wireless chime that sets up in just a few minutes. Just follow the instructions on the Ring App, plug the Ring Chime in and connect it to your Ring Doorbell and it’s ready to start chiming just like a built in doorbell chime. You can place the Ring Chime anywhere you have an outlet and if you want multiple chimes for a large home or multi-level home you can add as many chimes as you would like so you can hear the doorbell ring.
The Ring Doorbell Chime Pro works for the most part just like the Ring Chime. However there is one major difference. The Ring Doorbell Chime Pro has a built in-wifi network extender for Ring devices that will help improve the network signal of Ring Devices. If you have a Ring 2 Doorbell and are using it with just batteries the Ring Doorbell Chime Pro can help increase the performance of the Ring 2 doorbell with it’s integrated Ring Wifi network.
It’s also a good option if your Ring Doorbell is located on a brick wall or far way from your centralized router and can help create a better connection to your Ring Doorbell.
List of Alexa Devices That Work As a Ring Doorbell:
This is one of my favorite options because I love Alexa devices and they can make your life easier with full voice control of your home. You can easily connect your Ring Doorbell to any Alexa device once you have your doorbell installed by adding the Ring Skill to your Alexa device an enabling the notifications from Ring.
With the Ring Skill installed on Alexa it will allow you to receive both motion alerts and be notified when someone presses the front door. The notifications will play through your Amazon Alexa devices and you can adjust the settings for which notifications you would like to be alerted too.
A lot of people already have Amazon Alexa devices in their homes and this is a great way to provide a dual purpose for the device and allow you to hear your doorbell anywhere you are located in your home. You can have the doorbell ring broadcast over as many Alexa devices as you want so you are always alerted when someone is at the front door.
Related Post: How To Connect Ring To Alexa
The great thing about choosing an Alexa as your doorbell is that you can use the Alexa device for a ton of other features like playing music, controlling your smart home or getting an update on the weather.
The best options for Alexa devices the Echo Show or Echo Dot. With the Echo Show it will allow you to view your live video feed of your Ring Doorbell right on it’s 10” display. The Echo Dot offers an economical alternative but lacks the screen of the Echo Show.
Best Chimes That Work With Ring Doorbell
So before we get into the list of electronic chimes that work with the Ring Doorbell let me say this, mechanical chimes, the Ring Wifi Chimes, and Alexa are all great options to connect to your Ring Doorbell as a chime. They work, are reliable and simple to install. With the Ring Wifi Chimes and Alexa you don’t even need to do any wiring, you can just plug them in set them up and you’re ready to go. They are also great options if you are using a Ring 2 Doorbell and don’t have any existing wiring because you can run the Ring 2 on batteries and connect it to Alexa or the Ring Wifi Chimes.
But there are some of you that want an electronic chime and wan’t to change between 16 different melodic tones. I understand, but I recommend against it because it will often give you more trouble than it’s worth. If you are willing to play around with the configuration and potentially even replace your transformer you will most likely get an electronic chime to work if you have good wiring, and precise power.
The issue we have found is that electronic chimes are sensitive and really need the power to be right around 16V to operate properly and if there is too much or too little power you might have functionality issue or burn out the chime. Now that being said, you can choose your own adventure if you want to use an electronic chime with your Ring Doorbell as we have the list of electronic chimes below that will work with Ring. We also recommend that you use a quality transformer that puts out exactly 16V like this one from Max Dot.
List of Electronic Chimes That Work With Ring Doorbell:
Electronic chimes give you the most flexibility and adjustment in both the volume of sound and the tones that they produce. Most electronic chimes have 16 different tones and allow you to adjust the volume from high too low. If you are having trouble with your electronic chime you may need to replace the transformer with one that puts out exactly 16V or adjust the settings in the Ring app to get it too work. Also make sure you have the volume turned up 100% when you are testing the chime so you can hear it when it’s installed.
Summary: List of chimes that work with Ring Doorbell
We highly recommend getting one of the mechanical chimes for your Ring Doorbell if you want a built in doorbell chime that will work with Ring. Or if you want to use a wireless chime or Alexa as a chime both of these opitions will work as reliable doorbell chimes and can be placed anywhere in your home without any additional wiring, they are also great Ring Doorbell chime options.
You can install one of the electronic chimes that works with Ring that we have listed above but it may result in a little more troubleshooting and setting adjustment on your end.
A Ring doorbell is a great way to secure your home, deter crime and check in to make sure your home is safe.