Funny Google Home Commands
Funny Google Home Commands
You can do thousands of things with a Google Home device but sometimes you just want to have fun. So we’ve provided a list of funny Google Home commands that are sure to entertain. You can use these Google Home Commands on any Google Home device including the Google Home Hub and Google Home Mini.
My favorite Google Home device is the Google Home Hub because it’s video touch screen creates additional functionality but these Funny Google Home commands listed below don’t require a touchscreen.
Funny Google Home Commands:
Ok Google, tell me a joke.
Ok, Google what’s that smell?
Ok, Google Self Destruct.
Ok Google, meow like a cat.
Ok Google what sound does a unicorn make?
Ok Google, why is six afraid of seven?
Ok Google, where’s Waldo?
Ok Google, is your refrigerator running?
Ok Google do you have hair?
Ok Google, beatbox.
Ok Google, how do you like your coffee?
Ok Google, do you have an imagination?
Ok Google, beam me up scotty.
Ok Google, show me the money.
Ok Google, I’m naked.
Google Home Hub can use Google Home Commands
Funny Google Home Commands: Interactive
These interactive Funny Google Home commands allow you to interact with Google Home, while having a two way interactive conversation. Once you say the command Google will start talking to you and ask you questions to respond too.
Ok Google, Crystal Ball. - This command will turn Google into a crystal ball and Google will ask you questions and predict your future.
Ok Google, tell me a riddle - This Google Home command will have Google create tell you a riddle that you need to solve. Google will give you hints if your request them and are stumped on the riddle.
Ok Google Mad Libs. - This funny Google Home command will open up the Mad Libs game and allow you to tell it words to place in the Mad Lib. It will then speak back the often hilarious Mad Lib to you.
Ok Google, let’s play a Game - This funny Google Home command will give you an option to play a game. Choose the “Sound Pet” it then lets you play a game where you feed an imaginary pet different food options. It’s quirky, strange and your kids will think it it’s hilarious.
Ok Google, let’s play classic hangman - This Google Home command will allow you to play the classic word guessing game hangman. Google will come up with a word and you need to guess it one letter at a time.
Ok, Google, let’s play have a game of Tic-Tac-Toe -This funny Google Home command will let you a play a game of Tic-Tac-Toe with Google.
Funny Google Home Commands: Summary
There are thousands of different commands you can use with Google Home that allow you to control your Google Home device or integrated smart home devices but sometimes you just want to have fun. These Funny Google Home commands are a great way to relax have a laugh and provide some entertainment. The interactive Google Home commands that allow you to interact and play a game with Google Home are a great way to enjoy Google Home in a group. I highly recommend the Mad-Libs Google Home command as itt typically turns out to be a hilarious story when read that most kids and adults will enjoy. You’d be hard pressed to not even crack a smile when listening to Google Home read back a Mad Libs.
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